Monday, April 20, 2009

love and happiness

So tonight I attended another yoga class at the gym. How do you know this? Well, if you happened to be at the Weider-Terra Club of awesome, and happened to spot a girl in the fugliest sexiest, brightest orange shirt on the planet. Yes, I am talking about the NYU in Shanghai shirt. A marvel of fashion, it's perfect for wearing to a party, impressing significant others, and getting my sweat on at the gym.

On the way home, feeling a little 饿了, I decided to forgo my usual back-gate bus-stop-to-dorm routine and check out the food stalls at the front gate. Instead of food, however, I found a grocery store. Less crowded than Carrefour, less frustrating than Trustmart, it stocked all the essentials (Source of Good Mood Tea? 35 cent, 24 oz. beers? Apples? Yes, yes, and yes). As I browsed the well-organized, well-lit store, I found myself in the beverages aisle. And there, sitting innocently on the self, sandwiched between grape juice and green tea, I found it. The source of true love and happiness. Amazing, usually unavailable in China, pH of 3.5, orange-as-an-NYU-shirt juice. Joni Mitchell used to tell us that "we don't know what we've got 'til it's gone." Bitch was absolutely right.

Yoga, and orange juice. A great way to start my week.

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